Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Will Smith I Am Legend Workout

Okay, I will admit I've been a big fan of Will Smith Workout for a long time, and even though he showed off a phenomenal shredded and truly jacked up body for this movie, it's his relentless attitude and personal determination for success in all he does that makes me admire him so much.

There's one statement that describes Will's main life belief and that's, "I Can Do It!", as from the time he was young his father taught him to always watch for life's patterns and to be able to make those patterns work in his favor. That's the training and philosophy that earned him a Grammy at the age of 21, and to go on to start in blockbusters movies such as Ali, I Am Legend, Independence Day, and The Pursuit of Happiness.

The intensity of his work ethic and dedication to what's important speaks loudly as soon as you see his physique, and realize Will is sub 10% body fat levels most all the time. So are you now wondering how he managed to accomplish this? Want to know what his secret is? Will Smith has said, "I consider myself to be of basically average talent, right? What I have, that other people do not have, is a sick, obsessive, and raw animal drive."

To prepare for his I Am Legend role, Will Smith had to take off 20 pounds for the film. That meant going from about 210 to 190 pounds. Will's body type is referred to as Ectomorph, and he mentioned during an interview that, "I have a much easier time losing weight than I do putting weight on."

To obtain his physique, it required him to run 5 miles, 6 days a week, in addition to doing resistance training 3 to 4 times a week. As you may have noticed in the movie, I Am Legend, Will is definitely acquainted with Bodyweight Calistenics. As you will see in the scene clip below, he is just cranking out pull ups as effortlessly as if it was just a walk across the street.

If your goal is to have the look Will Smith did in I Am Legend, a good beginning for working out would be to run a mile per day for 5 days a week, as well as a goal of 100 pull ups and 500 push ups per week, and make sure to create a diet that has no sodas or junk food but lots of vegetables, protein, and is low in carbohydrates.

Will believes in "just stay ready...stay in shape all the time and you won't have to rush into training before a movie starts. But with that being said, if you stay ready, then you don't have to GET ready. "

So, get out there follow the Will Smith Workout and don't be afraid about breaking a sweat, and you'll soon be as fit as Will Smith!

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